31 mei 2010


I realized that most eurythmists move in apnoea, without breathing. I asked to different teachers and eurythmists about breathing and i was always said not to focus my attention on that... from my experience, it is true that the movements must not be directly related to one way of breathing: this is so because the movement would loose its freedom of unlimited expansion in space if it had to depend and be bound to a specific way of breathing. Nevertheless breathing is fundamental!! and it is fundamental that we develop an observation for our patterns of breathing. Eurythmists have very often an high breathing: that means that they are not properly using their diaphragm, in this way the lower part of the body is not oxygenating, and this consequently hinderts the connection with the ground through the legs.
I am doing some exercises to improve my diaphragm breathing and i am thankful for the great results and effects on my eurythmical movement. Do you want to try? just send me a comment or mail me..let's do it together or at least speak about it!!!: )

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