We do not want to become crystal dolls wright?
If we want to find the golden key, we have to go into the mud!
We can not be scared by the dirt, we can not be scared about life!
29 sep 2010
16 sep 2010

Doorways is a group of jung eurythmists, trying to research the edges of eurythmical movement. We try to work without censure, following what feels sincere to us. We are going to present our two new pieces:
"Autumn's reflexes" is the last solo project by Elisa Martinuzzi, worked out from her poem "Autunno". The poem,written in 2009 is based on the remembrance of different ages of her own life and on the desire of unity, love and death...
it is worked out through eurythmy, vocal improvisation and recitation..
"EPePa" is a trio with Patricia van der Molen, Peer Westerink and Elisa Martinuzzi. It is worked out as an humor silence piece. They applied the "round-straight" theme to build up a dialogue among different extreme characters.
The performance will take place SATURDAY 9 OCTOBER at 20:00 in:
Riouwstraat,1 (rode zaal)
Den Haag - Holland
price:7 euro, 3 euro for students
8 sep 2010

There are so few possibilities to join a eurythmy festival and find a time/space to share that i hope you will come!!!
if so, i will meet you there!!
Verantwortliche: Melaine MacDonald, Alexander Seeger, Ephraim Krause
Gesamtkarte: 140 €
Gesamtkarte Studenten: 80 €
Einzelticket Abendvorstellungsblock: 20 €; Studenten 15 €
Einzelticket Mittagsvorstellungsblock: 18 €; Studenten 12 €
Information und Kartenbestellung:
Ephraim Krause - Veranstaltungs- und Projektorganisation Fachgebiet Eurythmie
Tel.: +49 (0)2222 9321 – 1274
E-Mail: ephraim.krause@alanus.edu
Auf Grund der begrenzten Platzzahl empfehlen wir eine frühe Anmeldung.
Hi everybody, here is the website of Patricia Bardi. She is starting in september a new year of basic training in Vocal Movement Integration.
I followed it last here and i found it a great help to incarnate eurythmy in my body. She is working with experiential anatomy, improvisation, voice and movement from a qualitative perspective (not just mechanical). You will really feel your body!!!...and we need this, don't we?
introduction days in Amsterdam are on
Saturday 2 October, 2010
Saturday 9 October, 2010
Hi everybody, here is the website of Patricia Bardi. She is starting in september a new year of basic training in Vocal Movement Integration.
I followed it last here and i found it a great help to incarnate eurythmy in my body. She is working with experiential anatomy, improvisation, voice and movement from a qualitative perspective (not just mechanical). You will really feel your body!!!...and we need this, don't we?
introduction days in Amsterdam are on
Saturday 2 October, 2010
Saturday 9 October, 2010
3 sep 2010
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